Charles C. – 28.06.13 – 23:45


  1. Charles Copeland Montag, der 8. Juli 2013 at 17:52

    Monday 8 July 2013

    Hi Folks,
    I am currently writing up a detailed day-by-day report / diary on my own experiences with the GST. Considering the number of errors I made in preparing for the trip the best title might be:
    The Grenzsteintrophy – How not to do it.

    I’m writing it in English because (a) English is my mother tongue, (b) all of the German participants understand English, (c) none of the non-German participants understand German and (d) I found the GST such a demanding and fascinating experience that I would like to draw it to the attention of as many non-German speakers as possible. That means: English is the lingua franca.

    I’ll post this report in bits and pieces as I replay the mental video that I shot virtually non-stop from Priwall to the Dreilaendereck. Already — a mere nine days after I signed the Golden Book at the Kleintierschaenke — small gaps are beginning to appear, and as is its wont my memory is busy thinking up tricks as to how to deceive me, so I’ll try to progress as fast as possible.
    I’d appreciate comments (in German or English) from other GST-lers — including those who for whatever reason didn’t manage to finish the entire journey.
    For starters:
    Some dumb ways of doing the GST:
    1. Use an iPhone as your navigation system .
    2. Sleep in a home-made bivy bag made out of bin liners.
    3. Sleep in the open air without a sleeping bag.
    4. Expect German guest houses to accept anything other than cash or EC cards as methods of payment.
    5. Expect to find access to WiFi anywhere within 100 km of either side of the former German border.
    6. Buy your MTB three days before the GST kicks off…

    More to follow

  2. Matthes Montag, der 8. Juli 2013 at 23:32

    Hey Charles,

    that sounds promising.
    I’ll never forget your pile of accumulators for the iPhone ;-)

    And congratulation afterwards!

    See you,

  3. Charles Copeland Mittwoch, der 10. Juli 2013 at 21:30

    Thanks Matthes,
    Two of those chargers — the ones that accepted disposable AA batteries — broke down, possibly due to the vibrations caused by the tank plates (Kolonnenwege). The third charger did not break down but had to be recharged itself from a power outlet and that meant seeking hotel accommodation at least every second night. Etcetera, more in the detailed report …


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